Lucid Press Quotes — Chernick Performance
Various — 2006
"Chernick makes for a powerful lead."
—Now Magazine
"Jonas Chernick has a face that the camera loves. He's ready-made for tragicomic roles like this one — hapless, neurotic, but possibly redeemable."
—Toronto Star
"Chernick is a sexy cross between Clive Owen and Ben Stiller."
—Weekly Scoop Magazine
"Chernick is a highly watchable lead, leaping easily between the odd-ball mix of black comedy and guilt-racked anguish. A strong performance."
—The Georgia Straight
"What really sets Chernick apart is his emotional nakedness. Unlike the standard stoic leading man, Chernick fearlessly explores neediness, neurosis and free-floating anxiety."
"Jonas Chernick is the next major heartthrob."
—York University Excalibur
"Jonas Chernick is perfect."
—Festival Daily (Toronto International Film Festival)
"Solid performances, especially from Chernick."
—Winnipeg Free Press
"Chernick gives a fine and thoroughly likeable performance."
—The Manitoban
"Chernick is certainly leading man material… fantastic performance."
—Reel Film Reviews
"Jonas Chernick creates an engaging and sympathetic portrait of a man just trying to keep it together."
—NSI Film Exchange Program Guide
"Fascinating to watch, especially because Chernick is adept at playing a lovable loser."
—Toronto Sun
"The cast here is talented, too. Chernick is like Ben Stiller without the comic exaggeration."
—Silicon Valley Metro
"Chernick is endearingly manic."
—Globe and Mail
"Chernick capably stick-handles an unlikable character: the man who won't grow up and then whines because he's all alone."
—The Vancouver Courier
"Jonas Chernick conveys delicate sensitivity as a failing father that riffs heavily on our heart-strings."
—Chart Attack
"Chernick's thoroughly convincing."
—Edmonton Journal
"An outstanding group of actors."
—Vancouver Province
"Outstanding performances from this ensemble of Canadian actors."
—Vancouver Sun
"The cast is uniformly great."
—Winnipeg Sun